The partner came by, and I asked him the hard questions. We did the paperwork and shut the shades and blissed out on some slow jamzz. Looks like the ringer's gonna win us yet another State title. Things are looking up. Most definitely. If only we could get our equipment maintained by soft bawl ringers.
Drove straight home super fast. Went in and did Jerry Springer style shit to Miranda. She’s a trooper. She really is.
The most important thing to get goin now is the new grain contracts. That shit is heavy money. Rows of ducks ready to be plucked. I’m a lucky fuck.
My knight manager come by the wood stack and was complainin bout his “pay scale” or some shit. I says to him”well fuck you and my horse that you ride every night in the jousting tourney”. Shut him down in quick fashion that did. I wish Cher were hair.
On the way back to The Rack Shack I stopped at smileys and bought a closeout cassette. Got back in Bette the Vette and popped that baby in and cranked it hard. “I DON’T WANT..bum bum..I DON’T WANT..naahnaah..ANY MOORE WATER......TONITE!”. One of the greatest songs by the greatest band to come out of Iowa, the mighty Sweat Teacher. I know those guys personally. Kerry the base player’s doin 3-5 in Atchinson for kinder porn, but I think he got framed. Never understood that kiddie porn shit.
Frannie and Barbar came by the Rack Shack with a shit ton of counterfeit dunkin donut gift cards they’d made in the gay club with Trent and Perry. They look pretty good.