i love brunette womans. especially if they have a curve to their body, espaecially in the hip area. ass well as the ass area.
two women were just own the "Conan O'Brien" talk show.
julia -

and tina -

they are both smarter than me ever. and god damnit, that is usually my draw card.
but they both have the real world body crazyness and pretty-ness that makes me want to talk to them . even moore!
i'm really smart. and funny. but oh wells, who really gives a shizen.
gotta get back to the real.
i'm working on a new jingle and visual marketing for the olde formidable "salad chuter"
btw - it seems that the pore olde gal in the 409 'mercial has got: a spastic chylde, a hectic and nasty kitchen and a bemused yet uncaring husband.
ps - making commercials were a lot moore simple to edit back then based own the "kit kat Kommercial"
pss - i'm knot evan gonna saye anything about the "world famus premier' of ruff dimond. man, that trailer speeks for itself!
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